07596 868163 or 01904 331253

07596 868163 or 01904 331253

Waste transfer notes

Waste transfer notes

Move IT Van and Garden Services

What is a Waste Transfer Note?

A Waste Transfer Note (WTN) is a physical or digital document that shows proof of transfer of non-hazardous waste from one party to another. It’s vital in maintaining the duty of care that businesses and individuals have on the environment. Not only does it prove that your waste has been properly handled, but it leaves an audit trail that can be picked up if something goes wrong somewhere along the line.

Why do I need a Waste Transfer Note?

A Waste Transfer Note is a legally required document for businesses in the UK and is an important way to track waste from your business to its final destination. No matter the business type, you will need to prove that you are disposing of your waste legally. Occasionally the local council might ask for legal proof that you are correctly managing your waste – your WTN will cover this.

You cannot throw your business waste away at home. You’ll risk getting fined if you are found to be taking the company trash home with you.

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